A One Paints & Chemicals – Paints Manufacturer in India ( Decorative Paints, Industrial Paints, Thinners, Wall Putty, White Cement, Powder Based Paints etc. )

Focusing on the customer (individuals, professionals, users), the continuous satisfaction and service of all those who chose, continue or begin to choose our products to paint their home, business and in general their spaces, making use of both of our quality certified products as well as of our advanced styles, is for us the culmination of the efforts of the employees in the company.

 With a focus on quality, which is a primary driver for our development, we always strive to produce quality products that meet the requirements of our customers. As a result of this long-term effort.

Research and development

We invest steadily and on an annual basis in the research and development of new colors, color combinations and styles that we consider necessary to meet the needs of our market. The Research and Development department plays a particularly important role in this direction as it is supported by a wide range of modern laboratory equipment where daily and on a systematic basis all the necessary control and testing work is carried out with environmentally friendly raw materials, both in ordinary as well as new painting processes.

 A One Paints is at the forefront of developments and is following with particular interest the new technology systems, the new ideas for the creation and use of functional structures through nanotechnology while at the same time giving special emphasis to the development of new construction and ecological products.